08.13.23 - Small Group Discussion

The Little Things

The Little Things Small Group Video

Theft begins in the heart. 

  • Share a time when something was taken from you without your consent. How did you deal with that situation?

  • How have you struggled with the temptation to steal?

Read: Exodus 20:1-2

  • Why is it important to note that the 10 Commandments were given to people who already belonged to God? What does this mean for how we use them today?

Read: Exodus 20:15

  • Why does God oppose theft?

  • What is the connection between theft, selfishness, and the way we value or devalue others?

Read: Romans 13:8-10

  • In what ways does love “fulfill the requirements of the law”?

  • What do you need to do to acknowledge God as the source of all possessions?

  • What do you need to do to choose love?

Pray: Ask God to help you identify where you struggle with theft. Then, ask him for the boldness to deal with that sin in your life.

08.06.23 - Small Group Discussion


Faithful Small Groups Video

God defines our sexuality.  Be faithful!

  • What was the weirdest rule your parents had for you when you were growing up?

  • Why did we fight our parents rules when we were growing up?

Read: Exodus 20:1-17

  • Which is the easiest command for you to follow?

  • What’s the hardest?  Why?

  • If we were to expand verse 14, what would you include?

Read: Matthew 5:27-30

  • Why do you think Jesus was so drastic in his statements about sex here?

  • If Jesus is so direct and drastic, why is sexual sin such a problem within the church?

  • What things can we do to flee from the world’s saturation of unhealthy sexuality?

  • What God things can we do to keep our eyes/hands/heart focused on God’s Kingdom rather than the world?

  • Being faithful to God’s view of sex is a team effort.  Who are the Nathans in your life?  Who could be the Nathans in your life?

Read: Psalm 51

  • How does it make you feel to know that God views each of us as a person of deep worth?

  • Even knowing this, why is it hard to deal with our sin?  How can we help one another>

Pray: Ask God for humility in your life so you will do the right thing and flee from the sexual sin in your life.

07.30.23 - Small Group Questions


Life Small Groups Video

Life belongs to God.

  • What’s something that you wish people had more common sense about?

  • Do you believe people are generally good or generally evil? Why?

Read: Exodus 20:8-12

  • Do you practice either of these commandments? What does that look like for you?

Read: Exodus 20:13

  • Why did God have to say this? Would you put this commandment in the category of “common sense?” Why?

Read: Genesis 4:1-10

  • Can you imagine being Cain? Murder had never been committed until this time. How do you imagine the fallout of this decision affected him into the future?

  • Should Cain have known that murder was wrong?

Read: Matthew 5:21-22

  • In what ways are you guilty of breaking Jesus’ teaching here?

  • What can you do to seek life this week?

Pray: Ask God to show you where you are breaking his commandments, and to help you seek life.

07.23.23 Small Group Discussion

Original Sin

Original Sin Small Groups Video

The first sin is to reject God. 

  • What do you know about the Ten Commandments?

Read: Exodus 20:1-3

  • How easy do you find it to be to worship only God?

  • What are you giving the most attention to in your life?

Read: Genesis 3:1-6

  • Adam and Eve were un-convinced that God’s way was best, and were convinced to take the forbidden fruit. In what areas of life do you struggle to be convinced that God’s way is best?

Read: Exodus 20:4-6

  • What idols have you created in your life?

Read: Exodus 1:7

  • In what ways are you guilty of breaking this commandment?

  • What do you need to do this week to submit yourself to God and to worship him alone?

  • How does worshipping God instead of ourselves help mend human relationships?


Pray: Ask God to reveal ways in which you are not living up to the standard of the first three commandments, and to help you make changes so that you worship God alone and treat him as holy.


07.16.23 - Small Group Discussion


SERVE Small Group Video

Faith demands action.

  • Share your favorite memory of serving with the church.

  • Does serving come naturally to you, or is it difficult to make yourself serve?

Read: Matthew 7:13-14

  • What does the wide path look like today? How about the narrow path?

Read: Matthew 7:25-20

  • What kind of fruit do you see your faith producing?

Read: Matthew 7:21-23

  • How can you take this warning to heart?

  • How is faith more than just belief or cognitive assent?

Read: Matthew 7:24-29

  • What do you need to do this week to put Jesus’ words into practice?

  • How can you be more aware of the needs in our congregation?

  • How can serving provide you an opportunity to practice other spiritual disciplines?

Pray: Ask God for opportunities to servse, and willingness to step up!

07.09.23 - Small Group Discussion


Rest Small Group Video

Rest is the antidote to worry. 

  • When was the last time you felt fully rested?

  • On a scale from too busy to too relaxed, what’s life like for you right now?

Read: Genesis 2:1-3

  • Why did God rest?

Read: Matthew 6:25-27

  • What do you worry about?

Read: Matthew 6:28-30

  • How is trust the opposite of worry?

Read: Matthew 6:31-34

  • How can rest be the antidote to worry?

  • How easy is it for you to rest?

  • What does rest look like for you?

  • What can you do this week to seek rest?

Pray: Pray for your group members to be bold enough to choose rest over busyness.

07.02.23 - Small Group Discussion


Personal Worship Small Group Video

God wants our full attention. God wants us to REVERE Him.

  • If you had nothing to do for the rest of the day, what would you o/

  • In life, what do you get distracted by most?

Read: Matthew 6:22-24

  • What is described as the lamp of the body?  Why?

  • What is the result of good eyes?

  • What distracts you from God the most throughout the week?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:4-8

  • Which is harder for you—to love God with your heart, soul, or strength

  • How can you follow the commands of verses 4-9 today?  What are some specifics you can do with the next generation?

Read: Matthew 5:13-16

  • In light of Matthew 6:22-23, what are some specific actions you can do this week to lessen or eliminate these distractions from your life?

  • As you create space for God by limiting distractions, what are some things you can do this week to revere/worship God more?

  • Why is it so important for us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world?

  • How are you going to REVERE God in this week’s 168 hours?

Pray: Pray that your will allow God to draw your attention to Him this week.  Pray that you will limit the distractions and be able to REVERE God.

06.25.23 - Small Group Discussion


FASTING Small Groups Video

Fasting focuses our faith. 

  • What’s your least favorite tool to use? Why?

  • Have you ever fasted? Why were you fasting? How did it go? What were the results?

  • What do you know about fasting from Scripture?

Read: Matthew 6:1

  • How much do you struggle with wanting to do your good deeds “publicly, to be admired by others?”

Read: Matthew 6:16-18

  • What is the point of Jesus’ instructions here?

Read: Acts 9:3-9

  • Why did Paul fast in this situation?

Read: Acts 13:3 and 14:23

  • Why did the earliest Christians fast in these two situations?

  • Should Christians fast? What’s your Biblical evidence, and what would be the purpose of that fasting?

Pray: Pray that your group members will be practicing their faith to please God and not to please others.

06.18.23 - Small Group Discussion


PRAY Small Groups Video

Prayer has purpose. 

  • Tell us about a time you used a hammer. How’d it go? What did you hit?

  • How effective do you feel your prayer life has been recently? What does a typical prayer look like for you?

Read: Matthew 7:7-8

  • Share a time when you were continually “seeking,” “asking,” and “knocking.”

  • Be honest: how much of your prayer life is simply making requests of God?

Read: Matthew 6:5-8

  • According to Jesus, what are incorrect ways to pray? What makes them wrong?

Read: Matthew 6:9-15

  • What are the different movements of this prayer that Jesus taught his disciples?

  • On Sunday, Walter said that prayer’s purpose is to commune with God. Do you agree or disagree, and why?

  • What can you do this week to move beyond only making requests in your prayers?

Pray: As a group, pray the Lord’s Prayer together!

06.11.23 - Small Group Discussion


STUDY Small Groups Video

Studying reveals the standard. 

  • Who in your life is someone who really knows Scripture? What are they like? How do they use that knowledge? How do you think they gained that knowledge?

  • When you want to study the Bible, what do you do? What’s your process?

Read: Read Matthew 5:1-2

  • What do you know about the Sermon on the Mount? Are there any verses in these three chapters that you have memorized?

Read: Read Matthew 5:17-20

  • Have you ever felt like you were ignoring God’s law?

  • What’s your reaction to verse 18?

  • How can your righteousness be better than that of the teachers of the law and the Pharisees?

  • Why should we study the Bible? How can studying help you?

  • From the four parts of the SOAP method of Bible study, which one comes most naturally to you? Which is most difficult?

  • What do you need to do this week to grow in your study of Scripture?

Pray: Ask God to grow a desire in you to more deeply study the Bible.

06.04.23 - Small Group Discussion

We are beginning something new with this series. We will provide a short video with three or four questions for you to use with your group. You can send it ahead of time to your group members so they can prepare for your group time. Or, you could use it during your your group meeting. We will also provide more written questions below the video.

GIVE Small Group Video


God’s Expectation for His people is generosity 

  • Who is someone you know who is crazy generous?  How do they live out generosity?  Why?

  • If you had all the money in the world, who would you bless?

Read: Read Matthew 6:1-4

  • What happens to givers who give with impure motives?

  • What style of giving does Jesus tell us to do?

  • What do you think he is saying when he states, “don’t let the left hand know what the right hand is doing….”?

Read: Read Matthew 6:19-24

  • What are ways that we “treasure up treasures” here on earth?

  • What are ways we can “treasure up treasures” in heaven?

  • Who is someone who could keep you accountable to have “healthy eyes”?  How would you ask them to keep you accountable?

  • At the end of his message, Wally read the story of the rich young ruler and the widow’s offering.  Which story did you relate to more?  How do they challenge your perspective of giving?

  • How does God’s expectation that we give challenge you? What is one way God is calling you to give sacrificially?

Pray: Pray for God to challenge you this week to paint (give).  Pray that he helps you to turn away from the thing which distract you from being generous with God’s blessing.

05.28.23 - Small Group Discussion

Table of Fellowship

Jesus is revealed at The Table.

  • Who from church have you shared a meal with this week?

  • Tell us about a time when you gathered with close friends around a table.

  • Where have you experienced deep community and connection at our church?

Read: Luke 24:13-34

  • How would you have felt if you were one of these two disciples?

  • Why do you think God chose to open their eyes at the table?

Read: Acts 2:42-47

  • What does it look like to be devoted to fellowship?

  • What’s your biggest takeaway from this entire sermon series on The Table?

  • What can you do this week to devote yourself to fellowship?

Pray: Pray for opportunities to practice hospitality this week, and for energy to devote yourselves to fellowship!

05.21.23 - Small Group Discussion

The Last Supper

Jesus had all authority, yet he chose to wash feet. 

  • Who from church have you shared a meal with this week?

  • Who is a humble leader you know?

Read: Luke 6:12-16

  • How do you make large decisions?  Is quiet a good thinking space for you?  Why?

  • Which of the disciples do you most relate to? Why?

  • Which would you struggle with as a friend? Why?

Read: John 13:1-17

  • How humbling would be to have Jesus wash your feet?

  • Would it be any different if it were your best friend?  Why?

  • Why do you think Jesus only said “should” and “….you’ll be blessed if you do them.”

  • Why don’t we still do them?  Should we start? 

  • What are ways you can serve those around you—getting your towel dirty?

  • Who is someone specific you are going to engage with.  What are you going to do? Someone in your family, someone at work, someone in your friend group.

Pray: Pray for opportunities and boldness to SERVE people around you this week.

05.14.23 - Small Group Discussion

The Banquet Table

Outsiders are welcomed at The Table. 

  • Who from church have you shared a meal with this week?

  • What’s your family table like?

Read: Luke 14:1-6

  • What’s your take on the Jesus and the Pharisee’s dispute here?

Read: Luke 14:7-11

  • How do you understand Jesus’ words in v.11?

Read: Luke 14:12-14

  • Tell us about a time when you’ve shared a meal with an “outsider.”

Read: Luke 14:15-24

  • How do you understand this parable?

  • What can you do to welcome outsiders to your table?


Pray: Pray for opportunities to practice hospitality this week, and for boldness to follow through.

05.07.23 - Small Group Discussion

Table of Grace and Love

The Table is where God meets needs.

  • What do you think of when you think of tables?

  • This week we talked about how God uses table to meet needs, both your own and others. How have you seen this play out in your life?

  • Which layer of the pyramid do you see people struggle with the most?

  • Which layer do you have the most trouble with?

Read: Luke 5:27-32

  • Which side of this conversation do you find yourself most often?

  • What's the hardest part of meeting at the table with God and others?

Read: Luke 22:14-20

  • Jesus spent three years, with his disciples preparing them to take over post crucifixion. Who in your life has been pouring in to your Who are you pouring into?

  • Whom do you need to invite to your table so that they end up at Gods table?

Pray:  Pray for connections around a table this week where can help others connect to God and the hope that he gives.  Pray for a specific person you know you should connect with.

04.30.23 - Small Group Discussion

Table of Mercy

The table restores.

  • Who from church have you shared a meal with this week?

  • What kind of videos show up on your YouTube home page? How well does the algorithm know you?

  • Have you ever watched a restoration video?

  • On Sunday, Walter said that “restoration is almost always possible, but it always costs something.” Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?

Read: 2 Samuel 9:1-4

  • How do you see David’s action here? Do you think his motives were pure?

Read: 2 Samuel 9:5-7

  • How would you have felt if you were Mephibosheth at this point?

Read: 1 Samuel 20:14-17

  • How were David’s actions in 2 Samuel 9 related to what we’ve just read?

  • How would you define “integrity?”

  • How can integrity be restorative? How was it so for Mephibosheth?

Read: 2 Samuel 9:8-12

  • Where in your life do you see God giving you an opportunity to show integrity?

Pray: Pray for opportunities to practice integrity this week, as well as for the strength to do so in those moments.

04.23.23 - Small Group Discussion

Table of Enemies - There is peace at God’s table. 

  • Who did you go out with on Sunday (or who do you plan to have a meal with this week)?

  • Tell us about a time when you’ve had a difficult conversation while sitting across from someone at a table.

  • How familiar are you with Psalm 23? Where have you encountered it?

Read: Psalm 23:1-3

  • What do you know of shepherds, either today or back during Bible times?

Read: Psalm 23:4-5

  • What are sheep doing at this table that God has prepared? Why does the imagery seem to switch at this point in the Psalm?

  • How would you feel if you were eating a meal, while surrounded by all the worst and most traumatizing people from your entire life?

  • How does David feel, being surrounded by his enemies? Why?

Read: Psalm 23:6

  • What was the Psalmist expressing here? What does it mean to “dwell in the house of the Lord forever”?

  • What will you do THIS WEEK to seek peace with an opponent/enemy in your life?

Pray: Pray that your group members can find the peace that’s offered at God’s table.

04.16.23 - Small Group Discussion


When you follow Jesus you are a part of the Kingdom of Priests, the holy nation.

  • Who did you go out with on Sunday (or who do you plan to have a meal with this week)?

  • Wally talked about different ways we gather around a table (hanging out with friends, reunions, pot lucks, family dinner, weddings).  Which one (or one he didn’t mention) is your favorite?

  • What do you remember most about gathering at that table?  Share a story.

Read: Read Exodus 19:3-8

  • Why do you think God starts his question to Israel with “You yourselves have seen”?

  • How does it make you feel that you are a part of God’s treasured possession?

Read: Read Exodus 24:1-11

  • What does God’s request to have his people come near say about God’s relationship with them?

  • Moses set up stone pillars to represent Israel in the covenant.  What types of things do we use like this in our lives?

  • What was the peoples response to what God was asking?

  • Israel enter into a deeper covenant with God and become his Kingdom of Priests.  Wally talked about the roles that priests played—helping be a go-between for Israel to God, helping them to worship/engage with God.  What are some ways that we could live out that Kingdom of Priests role in our lives now?

  • How does having this responsibility make you feel?

  • What do you need to change in your life to be better at seeking, studying, and serving?

  • What is something you and your group can do to go and serve someone this month?

Pray: Pray that these verses will challenge your group to live our your priestly life.

04.09.23 - Small Group Discussion

The Neverending Story

Signs point the way. 

  • What’s your favorite work of fiction? Why do you like it so much?

  • What book/move/show have you finished, but wished would continue on?

Read: John 20: 1-10

  • What details about the empty tomb scene stand out to you?

Read: John 20:11-18

  • Put yourself in Mary’s shoes. How would this moment have felt?

  • Put yourself in Jesus’ shoes. What do you think he felt?

Read: John 20:19-29

  • What do you make of Thomas’ reaction to the news about Jesus?

  • How does verse 29 give you hope?

Read: John 20:30-31

  • John wrote his book with purpose:

  • How many times do you see the word “believe” in this chapter?

  • How does his writing help you “continue to believe?”

  • Who do you know that needs to read to read this book? What are you going to do about that?

Pray: Pray that you will continue to live out the joy of the Easter story, and that God will use you to help others believe.

04.02.23 - Small Group Discussion

All Signs Point to…

Ignoring Signs can lead to disaster.

  • Share a driving mishap you’ve experienced because you didn’t pay attention to the signs.

Read: John 12:12-15

  • How has your family celebrated Palm Sunday? What have you focused on during these celebrations?

Read: John 12:16

  • Tell us about a time God tried to teach you, but that you didn’t understand until later on.

Read: John 12:17-22

  • How would you have felt as a disciple in that moment, with the chaos of the crowd, the frustration of the pharisees, and the requests of some Gentiles all swirling around Jesus?

Read: John 12:23-28a

  • What do make of Jesus’ words here?

Read: John 12:28b-36

  • Jesus speaks of judgment, light, and darkness here. What’s he talking about?

  • What does it mean to be “children of the light?”

Read: John 12:37

  • What’s God been trying to teach you lately?

Pray: Pray that your hearts will be open to what God wants to teach you.