07.02.23 - Small Group Discussion


Personal Worship Small Group Video

God wants our full attention. God wants us to REVERE Him.

  • If you had nothing to do for the rest of the day, what would you o/

  • In life, what do you get distracted by most?

Read: Matthew 6:22-24

  • What is described as the lamp of the body?  Why?

  • What is the result of good eyes?

  • What distracts you from God the most throughout the week?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:4-8

  • Which is harder for you—to love God with your heart, soul, or strength

  • How can you follow the commands of verses 4-9 today?  What are some specifics you can do with the next generation?

Read: Matthew 5:13-16

  • In light of Matthew 6:22-23, what are some specific actions you can do this week to lessen or eliminate these distractions from your life?

  • As you create space for God by limiting distractions, what are some things you can do this week to revere/worship God more?

  • Why is it so important for us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world?

  • How are you going to REVERE God in this week’s 168 hours?

Pray: Pray that your will allow God to draw your attention to Him this week.  Pray that you will limit the distractions and be able to REVERE God.