12.03.23 - Small Group Discussion

Peace Small Group Video

Adventus - Hope

  • Before your group has a larger discussion about Hope, it is crucial to understand your current definition of hope. How would you define hope? Where did you get that definition?

  • When have you experienced a hope that didn’t last or that inevitably let you down?

Read Ephesians 1:15- 23

  • Has your definition of Hope changed since you met Jesus? How so?

Read Romans 8:18-23

  • In Romans, Paul writes about how true hope helps us in this waiting period between this age and the age to come. What is something broken that you are waiting to be fixed in the age to come? Feel free to explain why if you are comfortable enough.

Read Revelation 21:1-7

  • In Revelation, John describes what the age to come will be like. What is the most appealing thing in his description for you? Feel free to explain why if you are comfortable enough.

Scripture References: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, John 21:19-22, and Acts 2:42-47)

  • Of the three main actions for having true hope, which is the hardest for you? Remembering that God’s kingdom is both now and in the future? Focusing on your heart, not other people? Living out of true hope as the church? Why is that so hard for you?

  • Barclay suggests that while we live in this time of “Now But Not Yet,” we see both the good and evil, and because of this, we must always have hope. How does/should this change how you live? 

“The Christian is involved in the human situation. Within he must battle with his own evil human nature; without he must live in a world of death and decay. Nonetheless, the Christian does not live only in the world; he also lives in Christ. He does not see only the world; he looks beyond it to God. He does not see only the consequences of man’s sin; he sees the power of God’s mercy and love. Therefore, the keynote of a Christians life is always hope. And never despair. The Christian waits, not for death, but for life.” - William Barclay