11.26.23 - Small Group Discussion

The Bronze Snake Small Group Video

The Bronze Snake

We need to let go of our mistakes so we can LIVE in the light and be HIS people. 

  • What is the best regret meme you have seen on the internet?

  • Share with the group a moment of instant regret. Remember, what’s shared in small group stays in small group!

Read: Numbers 21:4-9

  • Do you think you would be one of the whiners on this journey?  Why or why not?

  • When Israel realized they had failed, what did they do?

  • Would you have been able to be as patient as Moses was?  Why or why not?

  •  What was God’s response when Moses prayed?

Read: John 3:14-21

  • How does the lifting up of Jesus challenge and reshape our mistakes?

  • What is the cost for God as he loves the world?

  • What does that say about your value to him?

  •  What regrets/sins/mistakes do you need to look to the cross for, confess, and be free of so you can live in the light?

Pray: Pray for you and your small group to have humility and let go of your mistakes.