10:00 AM10:00

Family Worship

  • South Lansing Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our regular service on Sunday, March 9 will include family worship!
This means Kids' City will be closed for the beginning of the service.

After the first set of songs, Kids' City will open.

  1. Please check your children into Kids' City before worship

  2. Worship together as a family

  3. After the first set of songs, Kids' City will open

  4. Take your child and their extra sticker to the double doors that lead from the main room into the Kids' City hallway.

  • Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers will all meet in the Zoo Room.

  • Kindergarten - 5th grade will meet in Kids' City Park to do a service project

If you'd like to read more about why we're taking opportunities to include children in our group worship, you can do that here:
Why Intergenerational Worship? And Why Now?

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12:00 PM12:00

Parent Lab

You can RSVP here

Parent Lab is a gathering for parents of children birth - high school held 2-3 times a year. It typically includes a time of sharing information, data, and resources on a subject, a question and answer time, and time to contemplate and write down a step you want to take. Some sections include discussions or idea sharing with other parents at your table.

We’ve begun going over the book Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley over several parent Lab gatherings. The book looks at how our daily habits can be a tool in guiding us and our families closer to God. This session, we’ll look at the chapters on habits around mealtimes and discipline and how you can use them to connect yourself, and in turn, your family, to God.

Also at this session, we’ll continue our multi-session segment on Gender & Identity, working to answer any remaining questions.

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6:00 PM18:00

Light the Night

  • South Lansing Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Light the Night is a great way to be out in your neighborhood on the busiest night of the year! You (or your group) supply the driveway, decorations, and food or drink and SLCC will provide the cups, napkins, and candy bags.

Get more information or sign up to host or help HERE

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12:00 PM12:00

Parent Lab

  • South Lansing Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You can RSVP here

Parent Lab is a gathering for parents of children birth - high school held 2-3 times a year. It typically includes a time of sharing information, data, and resources on a subject, a question and answer time, and time to contemplate a write down a step you want to take. Some sections include discussions or idea sharing with other parents at your table.

Over several parent Lab gathering, we will be going over the book Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley. The book looks at how our daily habits can be a tool in guiding us and our families closer to God. This session, we’ll start with the chapter on habits immediately after waking and how you can use them to connect yourself, and in turn, your family, to God.

Also at this session, we’ll start a multi-session segment on Gender & Identity, what the Bible has to say, and how to influence your kids regarding the subject.

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10:00 AM10:00

Family Worship

  • South Lansing Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our regular service on Sunday, September 29 will include family worship!
This means Kids' City will be closed for the beginning of the service.

After the first set of songs, Kids' City will open.

  1. Please check your children into Kids' City before worship

  2. Worship together as a family

  3. After the first set of songs, Kids' City will open

  4. Take your child and their extra sticker to the double doors that lead from the main room into the Kids' City hallway.

  • Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers will all meet in the Zoo Room.

  • Kindergarten - 5th grade will meet in Kids' City Park to do a service project

If you'd like to read more about why we're taking opportunities to include children in our group worship, you can do that here:
Why Intergenerational Worship? And Why Now?

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to Jul 18

Vacation Bible School: Kingdom Seekers

  • South Lansing Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for an incredible 4 days of fun music, engaging Bible stories, snacks, crafts, games and more! Our VBS program has been designed specifically for kids 3 years old through going into 5th grade.

Preschool pick-up at 7:30
Elementary pick-up at 7:45

Parents are invited to join us in the Parent Lounge from 6:00 - 7:45 for snacks and beverages.
Take some time for yourself or join in games and conversation.

Click here for more information or to RSVP

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10:00 AM10:00

Promotion Sunday

Kids who will be Kindergarten age in the fall, will move up to the Kindergarten-2nd grade classroom. Kids finishing 2nd grade, will move up to the 3rd-5th grade classroom. Kids finishing 5th grade will graduate from Kids’ City into the big room for church and The Flood on Wednesday evenings starting on June 7. 

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10:00 AM10:00

Parent Lab

We know that parenting can be hard, stressful, and frustrating - as much as it can be amazing, rewarding, and life-giving. Here at South Lansing Christian Church we want to equip you by:

  • Giving you helpful resources to use immediately.

  • Encouraging you as you parent in today's modern culture

  • Connecting you to a community of parents who are in the same situations as you.

This is not a "you need to be a better parent" kind of event. Parent Lab exists to come alongside you as you raise your children in the community and Kingdom of God. Join us for teaching, conversation, and collaborative Q&A.

You can RSVP here

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10:00 AM10:00

Child Dedication

We know parents and caregivers are their children’s primary faith influence and want to encourage, assist, and challenge you in that role. When the church and family work together, we make a bigger impact in kids’ lives! Our child dedication is a chance to make a public declaration to work to raise your child to be a follower of Christ and for the church to commit their support.

After the sermon, we will introduce and pray for all the families participating.

If you are interested in participating, please email

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10:00 AM10:00

Kids' City Closed for Serve Day

  • South Lansing Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sunday, April 28th in Serve Day. We will meet at the church at 10am for a short gathering (probably about 15 minutes) of songs, communion, and prayer. Then we will go into our community and serve. Because of the short gathering, Kids' City will be closed.

We encourage you to find a serving opportunity where your kids can serve too.

  • The projects at City Rescue Mission and Advent House are not ones children can help with.

  • Closely-supervised children can help at Homeless Angels. Please be aware children should not be left unattended, particularly girls. Homeless Angels provides services to anyone in need, including people whose language or choices could be troubling to children who are easily upset. Please take your own child into account when deciding whether or not to serve here.

  • Children can help with The Good Neighbor Initiative. Possible projects include yard work and minor home repairs.

  • Other ideas for serving with younger children include checking if a nearby neighbor would like help with yard work, picking up trash along a favorite walking route, or making and delivering cards for someone who is not able to leave home often, residents in a senior home, or someone in the hospital

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9:00 AM09:00

Angel Breakfast

  • South Lansing Christian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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The Angel Breakfast is a special morning for three to five year olds and their families!

They are invited to gather for fun crafts, a retelling of the Christmas story, a delicious breakfast and a visit by singing angels!

The Christmas season carries with it a great sense of wonder, excitement and joy; who better to welcome this with wide eyes and hearts than preschoolers? This event is designed specifically with these children in mind.  

We hope you will join us on Saturday morning, December 14th in Kid's City Park at 9:00 am. 

Please RSVP here!

Email Josh with any questions!

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Vacation Bible School: Power Up!
to Jul 11

Vacation Bible School: Power Up!

Did you know that God has called us to know, love and be like Him?

Join us for an incredible 4 days of fun music, engaging Bible stories, snacks, crafts, games and more!

VBS will run Monday-Thursday, July 8-11 from 6:30-8:30pm!

Kids will learn

  • God wants you to know Him!

  • You can know God through His word!

  • God sent Jesus to save us!

  • God sent His Spirit to help you!

Throughout the week, they'll be discovering how to know, love and follow Jesus!

Our VBS program has been designed specifically for kids 3 years old through going into 5th grade.   

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There's no cost for this program, but make sure you register here!

Sign up to serve with our VBS Team here!

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to May 1

Easter Egg Hunt

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Thank you for another incredible Egg Hunt at Marscot Park!

  • We fed our neighbors and friends over 300 hotdogs, 400 bags of chips and 500 bottles of water! 
  • More than 213 kids participated in the Toddler-5th Grade Egg Hunts!
  • SLCC of all ages worked together to make this event a success!

Here's a note we received from friends in Marscot Park:

"Thank you all so much for pouring into our neighborhood with such love and grace!  The egg hunt this weekend was exceptionally well planned and organized- you guys rock! Also, seeing your youth involved and responsible for so much was inspiring.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for being an incredible neighborhood partner! Looking forward to more events together in the future!"

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Arcade Alley Hangout
12:00 PM12:00

Arcade Alley Hangout

4th and 5th grade students are invited to gather for an afternoon of Nerf Wars, Pizza and a movie! This is a chance for them to get to connect outside of normal Arcade Alley hours. Students can bring friends! Staff from Arcade Alley will be leading this event. 

When: Saturday, March 11th
Time: 12:00pm-3:30pm
Cost: NONE!

RSVP Here!

Questions? Email Josh or Drew.

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6:00 PM18:00


Have you ever seen the hashtag #nofilter on a social media post? It's the idea that the picture has not been affected, changed or shaped by a filter. Though many posts claim to have #nofilter, all people young and old alike have a filter they view all of life through. The filter is faith. Your faith affects, changes and shapes how you see yourself, others and life. Faith is the filter your children and students will choose their thoughts, decisions and actions through. You're invited to join us and our parenting panel for a discussion on how to foster an authentic faith in your home.   

#nofilter! Josh tried making a cup of coffee with an Aeropress WITHOUT a filter. Yikes.

#nofilter! Josh tried making a cup of coffee with an Aeropress WITHOUT a filter. Yikes.

We believe that the two influences of church and home combined have a greater impact on your student's faith development. Their faith is vital because faith is the filter that students view themselves, God and others through. You're invited to join us and our parenting panel for a discussion on how to foster an authentic faith in your home. 

Childcare will be offered, but we need to adequately prepare, so please RSVP with the number of adults and children who will be attending with you!

Click here to RSVP!

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10:00 AM10:00

Family Worship Service

On Sunday, July 31st our worship service will look a little different. There will be more kids in the big room than most other Sundays! In Kid's City, The Aquarium and Zoo will be open for babies and toddlers, but the K-5th rooms will be closed for the morning. Why? There's several reasons.

  • First, we want to create time for families to worship together.
  • Second, Josh and Walter, our Children's and Youth ministers are going to share South's vision for partnering with families to raise godly kids.
  • Finally, the annual church picnic will be right after the service and Kid's City Park will be used as a staging area to prepare for this event. We're expecting a big crowd, we've invited our SLCC family and friends from the community! 

If you have younger children, we believe it's vital for you to explain the different elements of the worship service to them as they participate with you. We will have activity totes at the Kid's City Check In Station for you to pick up. These will have various activities for them to engage in while listening to the sermon. 

Our hope is to create space and time for your family to worship together and share our hearts on partnering with families!

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Graduation Sunday
10:00 AM10:00

Graduation Sunday

With summer quickly approaching and graduations happening even now, we want you to know about what's happening on June 5th, our Graduation Sunday!

If your child will be graduating from 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 5th grade, they will be moving up to the next class, starting on Sunday, June 5th.  If you have a 5 year old who will be starting Kindergarten in the fall, you can move them up on June 5th as well.

Here's what that looks like:

We hope to make this transition a smooth move for each of the kids & students who will be stepping into a new class at the beginning of June. 

If you have any questions, please email Josh

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6:00 PM18:00

Family Worship Experience

We believe it's important for parents & kids to worship together. To sing the same songs, hear the same message and engage together in worship as a family. 

Over the next 9 months, we've planned out 3 of these family worship events to help your family Seek, Study and Serve together. 

We look forward to Seeking with you in just a few weeks!


Questions? Email

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