As Yourself SG Video

As Yourself

To serve is to love your neighbor as yourself. 

  • How’s service month going for you? What’s something you’ve done this week to serve another person?

Read: Luke 10:25-29

  • Who are your neighbors? Who does God consider to be your neighbor?

Read: Luke 10:30-33

  • Consider the characters in this story. Who are they? What do they represent?

Read: Luke 10:34-37

  • In what ways did the Samaritan love the wounded man “as himself”?

  • What are some needs of others in your life have that you’ve been ignoring?

Read: Matthew 25:35-40

  • What is the message of this passage?

  • What do you need to do about it?

Pray: Ask God for opportunities and motivation to serve others – in Jesus’ name – this week!

04.07.24 - Small Group Discussion

The Very Best SG Video

The Very Best

Serving is not about you. 

  • Share a time when someone served you in a meaningful way.

Read: Matthew 20:20-23

  • What were James, John, and their mom asking of Jesus? What did they expect?

  • How would you have reacted if you were the other disciples?

  • Have you ever felt the drive of ambition? In what ways does it continue to motivate you?

Read: Matthew 20:24-27

  • How do you understand Jesus’ words here?

  • Is serving really about getting ahead or being “first”? What is Jesus saying?

Read: Philippians 2:5-11

  • What do you need to let go of so that you can “have the same attitude that was in Christ Jesus?”

Read: Matthew 6:1

  • When have you been tempted to make serving about you?

  • What can you do to resist that temptation?

Pray: Ask God for opportunities to serve others – quietly, and in Jesus’ name – this week!

03.31.24 - Small Group Discussion

Unfinished Business

Your story is not over. 

  • Tell us about your favorite story that ends without full resolution.

  • In your opinion, why do we crave closure?

Read: Mark 15:46-16:4

  • Put yourself in these women’s shoes. How would you have felt on your way to the tomb? What would your expectations have been?

Read: Mark 16:5-8

  • What do you make of this ending of Mark? Why do you think he would conclude his story this way?

Read: Mark 1:1

  • Share the beginning of your faith story.

  • Where do you expect your faith story to end?

  • Where did Mark expect his story of Jesus to end?

For those of us who are Christians, Mark offers an opportunity for us to continue the story.

  • Who in your life needs to be part of God’s story?

Pray: Ask God to open the hearts of the people just named by your group members. Additionally, ask him for opportunities to demonstrate the truth of the gospel to these people.

03.24.24 - Small Group Discussion

Remember Small Group Video


As WE eat this bread and juice, its more than just me and my sin. As WE eat the bread and the juice, WE are a part of something that began in Egypt. WE are a part of this royal priesthood, this holy nation. 

  • What special meal did your family had when you were growing up?  Why was it special?

  • What do you think about when you take communion?

Read: Exodus 12:1-14

  • How does this passage show Israel that they are favored by God?

  • Would you have been able to function in a system like this where you had to butcher your own food?

  • Why is it significant that God has Israel make this a yearly memorial/remembering event?

Read: Mark 14:12-24

  • What new meaning did Jesus give to the bread in the Passover meal?

  • What new meaning did he give the wine/juice in the meal?

  • How much of this do you think the disciples understood at the moment?

  • How did that all change at the resurrection?

  • Why does Jesus want his followers (his disciples and us) to remember his death on the cross, even as horrific as it is, through this bread and juice?

  • How are you letting God define who you are?

Pray: Ask God to continually help you remember who you are in His Kingdom.  Pray that each person in your small group remembers they are a part of something bigger.

03.17.24 - Small Group Discussion

Wake Up Small Group Video

Wake Up!

God’s already told us everything we need to know. 

  • What is the strangest thing you’ve heard about the end times?

  • How familiar are you with what’s in Mark 13?

Read: Mark 13:1-8

  • What question is Jesus answering in this chapter?

  • What does he tell his disciples to watch out for?

Read: Mark 13:9-23

  • What does Jesus tell his disciples to watch out for in this section?

  • What can they expect from God?

Read: Mark 13:24-31

  • Why does Jesus use the term “Son of Man” to describe himself? Where did that title come from? Find that passage and read it together.

Read: Mark 13:32-37

  • What does Jesus mean when he says, “stay awake” or “keep alert?” What are we to stay awake for?


Pray: Ask God to help you to be more discerning about the truth (pay attention!) and to be more on mission for God’s Kingdom (stay awake!).

03.10.24 - Small Group Discussion


Healthy faith starts with the basics. 

  • Have you ever taken music lessons? How’d they go?

  • What makes it so hard to focus on the basics in any area – athletics, music, academics, etc?

Read: Mark 12:28-34

  • What two passages was Jesus quoting from? Look them up and read them together. (Hint, pay attention to the notes at the bottom of the page in your Bible).

  • Put Jesus’ response to the scribe in your own words.

  • Define love.

  • What does it look like to love God?

Read: John 14:15 and explain how that informs your response.

  • What does it look like to love people?

Read: John 15:13 and explain how that informs your response.

  • Share other passages from Scripture you know that inform a definition of love.

  • What will you do this week to get back to the basics: love God and love people?

Pray: Ask God for clear opportunities to show love this week.

03.03.24 - Small Group Discussion

Figs Small Group Video


Healthy faith produces fruit. 

  • What’s your favorite kind of fruit?

Read: Mark 11:11-14

  • How would you have felt if you were one of the disciples seeing Jesus curse this fig tree?

Read: Mark 11:15-18

  • What’s Jesus’ main complaint against the Temple in his day?

  • What are the ways in which our churches today can miss the mark of being a “house of prayer for all nations?

Read: Mark 11:19-21

  • Compare the fig tree to the temple. What are the points of similarity?

Read: 1 Samuel 16:7

  • In what ways are you tempted to judge people/churches by their outward appearance?

  • In what ways do you put up a façade of spirituality?

  • What fruit do you see God producing in your life?

  • What fruit do you wish God would produce more of?

Read: Matthew 7:16-20

Pray: Ask God to help you grow that fruit!

02.25.24 - Small Group Discussion

True Value

The values of God’s Kingdom are not the values of this world. 

  • In your opinion, what is the most surprising thing Jesus ever said?

Read: Mark 10:1-12

  • What is God’s standard for marriage?

  • What is most difficult or troubling for you about God’s standard for marriage?

Read: Mark 10:13-16

  • Why was Jesus indignant? In what way is this episode not about actual children?

  • Who is a “less-than” or an undervalued person in your life?

Read: Mark 10:17-27

  • If you had been that rich man, what would you have done?

  • Does your view of wealth line of with Jesus’ teaching here? What needs to change for you?

Read: Mark 10:42-45

  • Of the four sections today, which one is the most difficult for you to accept and live out?

  • What are you going to do about that?


Pray: Ask God for wisdom to understand his values, and for strength to live them out.

02.18.24 - Small Group Discussion

Gospel Focused Small Group Video

Gospel Focused 

We need to live Gospel Focused Lives

  • What would you do if you won the lottery?

  • Who would you give money to?  What would you splurge on?

  • Why is it hard to stop living selfishly?

Read: Acts 16:16-22

  • What’s going on in this section? 

  • Have you ever been hounded like this for your faith?  How did you respond?

  • How can you live out the gospel more in your life? Where should you be bold?

Read: Acts 16:22-28

  • If you were falsely accused and thrown in jail, would you still trust that God was leading you?

  • What are you thinking in this section if you are one of the other prisoners?

  • Would you have left once you were unchained, or would you have stayed like Paul and Silas?  Why or why not?

  • How can you put the “praise and pray in any situation” mindset in place in your life right now?

Read: Acts 16:29-34

  • Paul took every opportunity to be Gospel focused here.  Where else do we see this in Paul’s life as you’ve been reading Acts?

  • What opportunities to share the gospel have you had that you didn’t act on?

  • How do you change that next time?  Who can we be praying for?

Pray: Pray for one another to be bold.  If specific people come up in the last question, pray for boldness for them and your small group members.

02.11.24 - Small Group Discussion

Be Prepared Small Group Video

Be Prepared!

Followers of Jesus should always be prepared. 

  • Tell us about a situation in which you felt severely unprepared.

  • How prepared would you say you are to share the gospel with someone?

Read: Acts 26:1-3

  • What is going on here in Acts 26? How did Paul end up before King Agrippa, and what was the point of this hearing?

Read: Acts 26:4-12

  • If you’ve been reading along with the church, you’ve encountered the “Damascus Road” story that Paul is recounting. How many times is it told in Acts? Why?

  • What is compelling about sharing YOUR story with others before or when you tell them about God’s story?

  • How well do you know your own story?

Read: Acts 26:13-23

  • It’s clear from its structure that Paul had spent time preparing this speech. How prepared are you to share the gospel story?

  • What do you need to do to be better prepared?

Read: Acts 26:24-29

  • Who is someone in your life that you want to see come to know Jesus?

Pray: Pray by name for the people we want to see come to know Jesus.

02.04.24 - Small Group Discussion

Following The Apostles’ Model

We need each other, the Spirit, and prayer to meet people where they are. 

This week in church, our missionaries Tina and Marty Ganong, shared about their work in Bible translation and preached on Acts chapters 8-14. They looked at the lives of Philip, Peter and Paul, and talked about how each of them modeled how to introduce people to Jesus. Because our service was a bit different, the discussion guide this week is a bit different too. We believe that your group time can still be fruitful, and we recommend going back and watching the service again before you lead discussion. Or, perhaps, watch it as a group and pause periodically to talk about what the Ganongs are sharing.

  • What stood out to you from Sundays’ message, and from your reading in Acts this week?

  • What do you know of world missions? What’s the purpose? Do you personally support a missionary? Have you ever visited a mission project?

  • How can you meet the people in your life where they are, with both the love of Jesus and the truth of his message?

Pray: Pray for God’s protection and blessing on the Ganongs and on their critical work among the Baga people.

01.28.24 - Small Group Discussion

Share It!

A healthy faith is a shared faith. 

  • On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate the health of your faith?

  • Share a story of the boldest thing you have ever done for God.

Read: Acts 2:1-8

  • We believe that God gives us his Spirit when we choose to follow Jesus and are baptized in his name. Tell us about a time when you very clearly felt the presence or prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Read: Acts 2:42-47

  • What things are shared by Christians in this story?

  • What is the result of all of that sharing?

On Sunday, Walter talked about how fellowship is the result of sharing – sharing our possessions, our time, our spaces, and our lives.

  • Describe a time when you felt close fellowship with God’s people.

  • Would you say you more naturally attend church, or share your life with your church?

  • What are you sharing, on a regular basis, with your church?

  • What steps can you take to better share this week?

Pray: Ask for God to reveal areas in your life that need to be shared with your church, and then to give you the boldness to share them.

01.21.24 - Small Group Discussion

Let’s Talk Small Group Video

Let’s Talk

Prayer is about relationship. 

  • What is your prayer life like? How often do you pray? What do you pray about?

  • What do you think is the purpose of prayer?

Read: Luke 22:39-46

  • Have you ever cried out to God in a moment of crisis? What was that like?

Read: Luke 4:42-44

  • When does prayer come most naturally to you? When things are good or when things are tough? Some other time?

Read: Luke 5:15-16, Luke 6:12-13, Luke 9:18, and Luke 11:1

  • What is Jesus’ pattern in these verses? How should that inform your prayer life?

On Sunday, Walter talked about 3 beatitudes in this Psalm and how they help us seek God’s presence (verses 4, 5, and 12).

  • How can prayer build your relationship with God?

Pray: Have a conversation with God!

01.14.24 - Small Group Discussion

Practicing the Presence SG Video

Practicing the Presence

Faith is about seeking God’s presence. 

  • What has God been teaching you this year?

  • What distractions did you discover in your faith journey last week?

  • What are your favorite ways to spend time with God?

Read: Psalm 84:1-4

  • What makes God’s “dwelling place” so compelling to this Psalmist?

Read: Psalm 84:5-7

  • How is your Christian faith like a pilgrimage or journey? What are the similarities?

  • (If you fail to see them, consider reading the old classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress)

Read: Psalm 84:8-12

  • What would make “The God of Heavenly Armies” an approachable figure?

On Sunday, Walter talked about 3 beatitudes in this Psalm and how they help us seek God’s presence (verses 4, 5, and 12).

  • Of the three activities mentioned in these verses (dwelling with God, finding your strength in God, and trusting God), which are you best at, and which needs the most improvement?

Pray: Ask God to make his presence known in your life.

01.07.24 - Small Group Discussion

Attention Please SG Video

Attention Please

God wants your attention more than your activity.

  • Have you made any New Year’s resolutions or started a new habit for 2024? Tell us about them!

  • What are your faith goals for this year?

Read: Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18-20, 3:8-9

  • What was God’s relationship like with the first human beings?

  • How did that change after sin entered the world?

Read: Exodus 40:34-38

  • What was the significance of the Tabernacle in God’s relationship with his people?

  • Even with the Tabernacle, how was there still separation in that relationship?

Read: Hose 6:6

  • What is God looking for from his people?

  • What were they doing wrong?

  • In what ways has faith become a checklist or merely going through the motions for you?

  • What can you do to better give God your attention this year?

Pray: Ask for God to help you identify distractions this week so that you can better turn your attention on him in 2024.

12.10.23 - Small Group Discussion

Peace Small Group Video


Peace looks forward. 

  • What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?

  • Where do you experience peace during the Christmas season?

  • Where do you feel a lack of peace during the Christmas season?

Read: Isaiah 9:1-7

  • Look at the titles for Jesus in verse 6. Which one resonates most strongly with you?

  • In what ways is Jesus the “Prince of Peace?”

Read: Ephesians 2:14-15

  • How has Jesus brought peace to us? How is he our peace?

  • Are there any areas of your life in which you feel conflict with God? How can you seek peace with him?

  • Are there people who you need to seek peace with this Christmas? What can you do to seek lasting peace with them?

Read: Revelation 21:1-5

  • Advent is the season of looking forward – to Jesus’ first arrival in Bethlehem, and to his second coming at the end of time. In was ways do you look forward to Jesus’ next arrival?

Pray: What conflict are you feeling now that we can pray about as a small group?

12.03.23 - Small Group Discussion

Peace Small Group Video

Adventus - Hope

  • Before your group has a larger discussion about Hope, it is crucial to understand your current definition of hope. How would you define hope? Where did you get that definition?

  • When have you experienced a hope that didn’t last or that inevitably let you down?

Read Ephesians 1:15- 23

  • Has your definition of Hope changed since you met Jesus? How so?

Read Romans 8:18-23

  • In Romans, Paul writes about how true hope helps us in this waiting period between this age and the age to come. What is something broken that you are waiting to be fixed in the age to come? Feel free to explain why if you are comfortable enough.

Read Revelation 21:1-7

  • In Revelation, John describes what the age to come will be like. What is the most appealing thing in his description for you? Feel free to explain why if you are comfortable enough.

Scripture References: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, John 21:19-22, and Acts 2:42-47)

  • Of the three main actions for having true hope, which is the hardest for you? Remembering that God’s kingdom is both now and in the future? Focusing on your heart, not other people? Living out of true hope as the church? Why is that so hard for you?

  • Barclay suggests that while we live in this time of “Now But Not Yet,” we see both the good and evil, and because of this, we must always have hope. How does/should this change how you live? 

“The Christian is involved in the human situation. Within he must battle with his own evil human nature; without he must live in a world of death and decay. Nonetheless, the Christian does not live only in the world; he also lives in Christ. He does not see only the world; he looks beyond it to God. He does not see only the consequences of man’s sin; he sees the power of God’s mercy and love. Therefore, the keynote of a Christians life is always hope. And never despair. The Christian waits, not for death, but for life.” - William Barclay

11.26.23 - Small Group Discussion

The Bronze Snake Small Group Video

The Bronze Snake

We need to let go of our mistakes so we can LIVE in the light and be HIS people. 

  • What is the best regret meme you have seen on the internet?

  • Share with the group a moment of instant regret. Remember, what’s shared in small group stays in small group!

Read: Numbers 21:4-9

  • Do you think you would be one of the whiners on this journey?  Why or why not?

  • When Israel realized they had failed, what did they do?

  • Would you have been able to be as patient as Moses was?  Why or why not?

  •  What was God’s response when Moses prayed?

Read: John 3:14-21

  • How does the lifting up of Jesus challenge and reshape our mistakes?

  • What is the cost for God as he loves the world?

  • What does that say about your value to him?

  •  What regrets/sins/mistakes do you need to look to the cross for, confess, and be free of so you can live in the light?

Pray: Pray for you and your small group to have humility and let go of your mistakes.

11.19.23 - Small Group Discussion

The Punisher Small Group Video

The Punisher

God’s discipline can bring good from your worst mistakes. 

  • How would you define the word discipline? What does it bring to your mind?

Read: Numbers 20:1-5

  • Name some of the struggles and frustrations that Moses was facing at this moment.

  • How do negative emotions and events in your life affect your decision-making?

Read: Numbers 20:6-10

  • Moses didn’t strictly follow God’s instructions here. What were his specific deviations? Why do you think he did things this way?

Read: Numbers 20:12-13

  • Why do you think God’s response to Moses so harsh?

Read: Hebrews 12:5-12

  • Have you ever considered the concept of the “Lord’s discipline”? What does God’s discipline look like?

  • Can you point to a time when you experienced God’s discipline?

  • What can you do to welcome God’s discipline in your own life?

Pray: For the openness to welcome God’s discipline.